Don't know why my comment was deleted, but as I said I have all above.
- Bricks (hello few level 8 dragons and random trap in your starting hand)
- Bad turn 1 - any meta deck can easily OTK you without Kuriboh in your hand.
Bad turn 2 -Duel wield and Enishi, Final battle, Treacherous don't let you summon anything on a field and can be activated even after White dragons effect.
What I can't stand is using snipe hunter with this. I activate its effect three times on my turn to go for the OTK and 2 of the 3 rolls are the ones that do nothing. Meanwhile, everyone else I see using it gets the rolls they need multiple times in a row about 99 percent of the time.
I play blue-eyes before in WCS stage 1 and this deck is not tier 1 no matter what card you have in your deck, I don't use this inconsistent deck anymore.
It bricks too easily, Kuriboh can only save you for 1 single turn but you will still lose after that.
Snipe Hunter will always get you a 1/6. He is not a trustworthy guy.
This deck is just too weak against an opponent with heavy backrow.