Not a huge fan of the guy, but Dkayed suspects we should be getting some more Dark Magician support in the next minibox or main box, possibly Palladium Oracle Mana and Apprentice Illusion Magician...
I'm hoping we Magi Magi Girl too. I know for sure we're never getting Legendary Magician of Dark. Too OP for the TCG, so too broken for DL...
too late. Some idiots have already been working on improving Blue Eyes with the BE-Quarion combo recently, which turned it from a meme combo to consistent one.
I suspect the idiot who caused this may be Dkayed.
that would be the least expensive click bait ever.
they just need 1 extra deck card and 1 character skill for the consistent BE-Quarion combo. I mean, it banishes 3 monsters + 1 backrow. How is that fair?
Any effect is unfair if you let it do as it pleases, people recommend getting floodgates and Canadia for these kind of reasons; strong effects that are delicate. If you see 2 tuners on the field at the same time you know something is wrong, so you hit the non-tuner and puff: 3 cards + a normal summon + a skill gone to waste
You can't just hit the non tuner because there is the spirit of white coming first. You lose 1 Backrow. If he sees you have no react-able cards then he uses Quarion. If you can react he will go for a classic BESD synchro instead. He's definely not wasting anything since he decides when to use them.