
Duel Island: Gladiator Beast [Jul 13 - Jul 23]

Finally 1m point. And with 10k coin, I got...
0 Dark Crusader ...
God F dammit
<< Anonymous
Butthurt loser detected
<< Anonymous
hmmm..Get a life kind of comments I always feels out of place here.
I'm lucky enough with 3 everything but 2 more copy of cross-wing, that thing got pretty worst drop rate.
<< Anonymous
5000 coins isn't THAT many to begin with. Though, so far, not including the reward cards, I have 3 Cross-Wing, 2 Wild-Horn, 1 Rock-Lizard, 1 Golden Homunculus and 1 Gamushara. RNG is RNG, though I have a sneaking suspicion that your "rank" in the event influences how likely you are to pull certain cards. (There's no real reason for them to be there otherwise, aside from to mimic PvP ranks.)


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iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY We scam you good We love scamming We are good scammers Contact...
My names are James W Brill, i lost $65k to scammers and even lost more during my contact with som...
Was heavy metal king an actual card in the anime? I always thought that the guy who used it just ...
You could use this site for duels in the past???
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