I am at dlv 19 right now. Except for a bit of a losing streak for a little bit in 17, it was easy to get here. But now I am afraid to continue. I only dueled twice so far, but it looks like 19 may be packed with the "perfect people" with all past season KOG icons next to their names that I usually have a hard time against. I lost once and only won the second time because they actually ran out of time on the timer doing all the fortune lady stuff. Is/was dlv 19 packed with all past season KOG players for anyone else and should I maybe wait a couple days to let it cool off and try for dlv max closer to the deadline? Advice is appreciated since I am not using a tiered deck, only KOG worthy at best.
17 was really bad for me. For a while it felt like I would never stop losing. Then 18 ended up being really easy with all wins from beating two people and the third win by the other player disconnecting. 19 I'll wait till tomorrow now since I got one win in the last duel to start from now.
I dueled again to get the rewards and one more time and I almost got knocked down to 18 and now I am back where I started again at the start of 19. Only won against a desperado deck that I was able to stop from getting the barrel dragon and a Yubel deck. The rest was AG, subterror, and metaphys.