There are 2 possibilities: 1. Your deck is not optimized / not strong enough or 2. You make too many misplays. Or maybe both. You can easily bypass the first one if you just copy a good deck from the internet but you still might want to work on your misplays by finding out what you did wrong and playing more carefully.
Tell us the decks you use so we can help you. I am getting KOG most months that I have time to play 100 matches and I'm f2p. So with the number of your games if you don't missplay and invest your gems wisely you should easily get there
Although to be honest you chose a wrong time sams are tier 0 unfortunately so the ladder is not fun at all. I'm legend 2 with 50 matches at the moment but i don't feel like playing more this month cause i am not having fun at all. Building a tied 0 deck which auto wins every duel (and is going to be in the banlist too hopefully soon) is just disqusting to me as is to play a burn deck
Your destiny hero deck is perfectly fine, very good in fact. I would play 3 desi and drill because i feel like you don't have enough monsters and remove the 2 super rush but it's a matter of taste really not they yours is worst.
And since heros are very easy to play i doubt you missplay the main issue that i see is the deck itself. Hero are relavent now for more than six months and although they
Are still definitely KOG worthy the sams hit them very hard. Their matchup is very unfavorable for heros I'm afraid and that limits their use I'm afraid because the ladder is full of sams at the moment. So the advise here is just don't use heros.
Generally the ladder except from heros is
Full of antisix sams deck which means amazoness or burn decks which still don't counter them because they are tier 0 but at least they have a chance. With the back row you have you can definitely run any of those if you have some amazoness cards or stables like lava golem which I'm sure you have. It will be definitely more easy to reach KOG with them.
Not if you don't want to go to that dark road
Like me then you can try one of the other decks you posted except karacuri. I would say AG is the better choice because you have favorable matches against most of stuff and all the stall decks they are trying to beat sams out there. Of course you lose to sams but everyone does. Koaki are pretty good too if you prefer go for them with sealed tombs and cipher soldier to all least have a change versu
Versus the sams. Btw it's not a bad idea to put cipher to your AG deck too for the same reason. Finally, there is dinos which is the deck i also use and go KG since their release. Unfortunately for them their matchup against sams and all the heavy backrow stuff is poor. I still reached lvlmax and legend2 with them with 50 games in total but i just can't recommend them at all. Still it would be
Easier than heros thought and definitely can make it to KOG with them if you play smart and you are lucky but it will not be fun. So yeah there it is all generally it's not your problem i think just meta is horrible right now in my opinion. We haven't seen a so broken tier 0 deck for a longtime and all their burn decks which their only decent Matchup is very annoying to play against. So good luck
Anti trap are funny and very easy to use but although it's KOG worthy and good deck still has the bad matchups you mentioned which are everywhere. So I wouldn't suggest it. Although you could reach with it too if you are lucky and avoid those Matchups