
29th Mini Box: Arena of Sanctuary

Just like Hey Trunade, Karma cut is goona be limited to 2. Can't see any point in owning 3 by opening this box
Trunade has 0 cost associated with it and clears the way for an OTK. Karma Cut is great for the banish, but it does cost a discard to use. I doubt it will get limited 2.
Card that doesn't promote OTK or skill triggering is unlikely to get hit
<< Anonymous
For Shiranui karma cut doesn't have a cost either
-Only affect face up
-Require a cost
-A trap. Had to set first
-Cant be added manually
-Will be Replaced soon in the future with hand trap
<< Anonymous
Komoney made sure that decks like Blue-Eyes, etc.. that use Karma Cut have to buy their new box only and only for Karma cut because their is nothing else they will use from that box.

So F2P !!!
Long live Komoney !!!
<< Anonymous
-Can affect up to 3 opponent backrow
-Force opponent to use his backrow earlier or accept it to be returned
-No cost
-Can be used right away
-Doesnt target
-Clear backrow means guaranteed OTK against some deck
-Hand trap can't replaced this
<< Anonymous
Komoney logic:
There are old UR/SR cards that target banish. How do we convince people to spend more on brand new cards?
Easy to use. Make it banish the whole GY too.

We already spent our savings on the older less broken UR target banish. So take a loan to get latest broken banish whole GY trap.
<< Anonymous
Well this is the whole logic of yugioh. They just make newer better cards every time. Or else we would had stayed in trap hole era forever. The bad thing is that instead of making themed cards they give op splashable cards that work on their own in any deck, hence stables.
<< Anonymous
Then maybe they should have stayed in trap hole era forever.
This was the best era where you played for fun with the whole neighbourhood with all the randomness instead of the lame consistency era that made the same neighbourhood quit the game.
People play probability driven card games to run away from consistency driven daily jobs.

Dammit Komoney.
Not need to apply your logic here in why you think Hey Trunade is better than Karma Cut. It’s simple, if all the meta decks start playing this card to the point where it becomes the highest used staple, it will get limited. Regardless if you think the card is cost effective to use or not.
<< Anonymous
Karma cut is exactly the type of card that will eventually get replaced from a far superior card. Just enjoy them for now.
<< Anonymous
The worst part is that people think it's normal that the existence of an already broken card like Karma Cut is normal.
And that it is also normal for even more broken cards to replace it.

What kind of logic is that?
Troll logic?
<< Anonymous
Yugioh logic. Karma cut has a cost. In TCG there are tons of free removal cards that have not yet released in Duel Links. Unfortunately sooner or later they will get released. I still remember the early days of Duel Links when people used to say "this card is too broken for duel links, it will never get released". Today everyone just asks "when will we get this broken card". Konami same mistakes.
<< Anonymous
Like my whole neighbourhood once did in the past, I should also uninstall this unbalanced game I suppose.

Sad that they didn't learn from their mistake. They didn't yet understand why most people who you talk to on the streets HATE TCG yugioh.
<< Anonymous
Seems like some people can't accept this trap card. You will be surprised on how much better cards they gonna release in the future. For example, negating or destroying your monster even very first turn and the duel itself is very common.
<< Anonymous
Typical yugioh player:
"I want a broken card to win easy every game"
"I hate this card. Ban it please"
"Now I want a replacement of this card,equally strong"
And the story goes on...
<< Anonymous
Typical players among those who stayed even though all of their friends and families have already quit this game.

This guy doesn't have a happy life I'm sure.
<< Anonymous
If you wanna play a card game with lots of randomness, play hearthstone, tho it would be a little costly to catch up
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
Lol yeah.
Eveyone who I played YuGiOh with left the game after their first duel against an XYZ deck.
Most ex-yugioh players to whom I ask why they left said the same:
Didn't play the game for a long time, so they wanted to test out their best P2W deck before permanently coming back to TCG only to be disgusted with the XYZ era power creep.
<< Anonymous
"Eveyone who I played YuGiOh with left the game after their first duel against an XYZ deck.
Most ex-yugioh players to whom I ask why they left said the same:
Didn't play the game for a long time, so they wanted to test out their best P2W deck before permanently coming back to TCG only to be disgusted with the XYZ era power creep."
p2w noobs deserved it :D haha
<< Anonymous
That's funny, because one of the biggest attendance in official tournament that the franchise ever got, was in Xyz era.
<< Anonymous
Attendance that never happened again even though XYZ still exists.

Very funny indeed.

Like the final episodes of bad TV series that get cancelled. The attendance is always higher for the final episodes before cancellation.
Same syndrome for XYZ summon.
<< Anonymous
1. The series wasn't cancelled, the reason Zexal II exist was because it was extremely popular.

2. That's because people didn't really like Pendulum and Link. The fact that the numbers are never that high anymore actually support my point that Xyz was what people loved the most.
<< Anonymous
Even though Xyz still exist, it was not as supported anymore with Pendulum and Link around, not to mention the powercreep and MR4 made Xyz gimped.

So it's natural that the attendance number is never that high anymore.
<< Anonymous
I didn't say that XYZ series was cancelled. I was any TV series that get cancelled get much more views for their last broadcasted episode before it's permanently cancelled.
And that a similar syndrome is what explains XYZ high attendance right before everyone left YuGiOh. People all came back one last time before quitting permanently.
Hence the "biggest attendance" origin.
<< Anonymous
I kind of get you. My friends also quit around the same time too.

Just hope Zexal world doesn't make me quit DL too. It would feel like I wasted all those years farming for nothing.
<< Anonymous
Marvel - Disney fan
In TCG I always made the effort of buying the latest meta decks. But there was always some skinflint idiots who refused to buy new cards and kept using your "staples forever".
Those dumb people had unacceptable win rate even though they made no effort to buy new cards.
Banning those was welcomed as skinflints either had to buy new cards or leave TCG.
Konami taught those idiots a good lesson.
<< Anonymous(Marvel - Disney fan)
Now I understand.
Case in point.

They should never have done that.
<< Anonymous(Marvel - Disney fan)
People who say XYZ was the golden era of yugioh are obviously TOO young. The golden era of yugioh was 2002-2004 when the original yugioh series hit the big screen along with the TCG. Back then all the local tournaments were full of people and everyone was enjoying the game. Until IOC packs came out and Chaos era started. Powercrept was huge and everyone started to leave the game.


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