
Fur Hire: deck recipe [Nov 3]

Ok, after the resent usage stats, this deck is officially overused. If Komoney comes out with another limit list, this deck is finished, considering how many cards in this deck are rare or lower. They will be knocked harder than sylvans, so enjoy KoG while it lasts.
overused, i totally agree. my vagabond is basicly a fur hire player, sometimes he uses other decks, but thats quite rare.
I feel like it's better to get all the FH cards in first, before nuking the deck into oblivion.

Bravo for example, is more dangerous than Seal.

And we don't have Rafale yet. I can see them limiting both Rafale and Wiz so that FH players have to choose only one of them.
i think almost everyone here is on the same page
<< Anonymous(akubane)
I really hate it when every time vagabond appear, he using Fur Hire.
<< Anonymous
What the hell. Even with only wiz and dyna this deck is the strongest deck atm, and you want them to actually release bravo and rafale? Limiting rafale won't do anything since it is searchable and can be recycled with seal/mayhem.
<< Anonymous
If they release Bravo and Rafale, then I demand the release of Noxious and Gyzarus for my GB deck. Only then, the field will be more equal.


Comments (updated every hour)

I don't understand how the card works there needs to be a video on how to use it
With that huge right hand I thought it was supposed to be a one-hand games player.
If you need a spell caster or your lover or marriage. LOVE SPELL REACH OUT TO DR OZ EHIZELE. He a...
Weevil do insectual and super Minecraft kid sure :)
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