On tcg they were meta, for a short period during 2013 if i can remember, but was basically an anti-meta deck with a bunch of traps and using traptrix engine, pure volcanic is a joke, but their trap, rocket, shell and scattershot atleast were used.
They were a meta also during their release in TCG as a control deck with 3 shells, 3 rockets, 2 blaxe accelarator that were only used as discard folders for some op cards of the era back then.
If they are used for discard cards especially traps they can me meta in duel links. Aren't fur hire a jowk in TCG as well as amazoness. Aren't windups and infernity meta there as well.
yep, that is one of Duel Links' interesting part - cards and decks that are meta in OCG/TCG can ends up bad in DL, while cards and decks that are bad in OCG/TCG can ends up really good, sometimes overpowered even, in DL.