
Masked HERO: deck recipe [Nov 9]

Yami Aster
No contracts for you this time. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
Well, yeah… Kepler is a great card but can be interrupted. If they don’t manage to get a few uses of the main hell contract, they get outresourced.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Sometimes all that matters is them not getting contracts. Sorry, I have replays, but this site keeps being annoying and doing the auto-delete thing.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Yeah. Either Kepler or starting with the contracts.

I understand. Sadly this is a pretty bad site… too many errors.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
I have two Satellar vs. Galaxy Eyes you can find through the friend list replays if you want at least.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I did, and it’s cool how Altair can turn the game around completely. It’s impressive when you can come back with a completely empty field + only one draw.

Dunno why the other opponent you had didn’t do the GECD steal and turn into Xyz rank up mode like the Jiren guy did.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
He's the ace. And since I'm not playing Yummy Yugi, all I can do is pray I get Altair with my skill in situations like this. So, I dropped one satellar to try increasing my odds of drawing him with it.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
He’s the ace in a similar sense to Divine Guy… when graveyards aren’t locked, they are the godlike cards that turn sure losses into glorious massive board refills.

You draw him more by having a powerful consistent deck instead of relying on stupid heart of cards. You’re the Edo guy here, for sure.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Did you get anything from the new box?
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Sorry, I didn’t have luck getting the new heroes yet… low in gems. Hope you are managing to do great stuff with Prisman, Sunrise and Liquidman.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Liquid Soldier is especially good. It helped me get rid of another Boring Abyss deck. Sunrise is also good. But I haven't really found a good use for Prisma with heroes yet.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Guessing it helped you Xyz summon DRXyzD which hits them very hard even when they have that stupid Netdeck Princess. I like to see those decks with 0 backrow suffer for it.

I’m sorry. I know the reason for the problem is because Dragoon D End is not available to players. There are more problematic cards that are, so it should be now.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
One of the duel quizzes for the box uses destiny end dragoon. I hope that's a sign we are getting dhero support soon...
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Keep hoping
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I hope so too. I don’t want it to be just random strong fusions from GX just because.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
I think they're just waiting to do more Aster stuff all at once. But speaking of strong fusions, check out Sunrise on my duels today. It was a bit tricky at times, but I was dealin' with the big stuff.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
It’s about time though… Shining Phoenix Guy is really not overpowered at all.

I did, and it’s cool how Liquidman lets you do the draw 2 + discard 1 which gives an use to backrow removal against those gd bs large decks full of monsters without one single gd spell/trap.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
I had to give up Celestial and Malicious to make better space for Liquid. I also had to swap Plasma and Monster Reborn for chalice and BOM, just to have some kind of out to Kaito, who seems pre-programmed to appear when it's time to rank up.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Wow, you really are a top competitor. To take away three vital Edo cards, including his single most important card, as well as Divine Guy, the best card to ever exist in any card game to ever exist, for the sake of ranking up. Your determination to win and rank up even already having the icons you need is fantastic.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Thanks, but it's still not that great depending on what happens. And I'm sad there's no room for dark rebellion dragon either. :( Still, I like this way better than how most others are running the cringey neos stuff and wight princesses with the new hero support.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Oh… that’s sad… such a great card DRXyzD is. Both Liquidman and Solidman favor Xyzs a whole lot… both together along Airman can be a whole Xyz deck by themselves.

Oh, so that’s their plan… I figured they’d do that bs with Neos Fusion being less held up now… ugh.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
I think I got it where I want it to be now. I've been practicing with the Turbo Duel. Have you been to it at all?
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Yeah! I tested Ruka’s skateboard, still prefer Ushio’s Security D Wheeler and Plácido’s T-666. I saw that you are on the elite class in the riding duel event. Of course, you’re so great at this game.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Eh, idk. They seem to have made it easier to rank up. I'm just trying to get the rose girls, but I've only gotten one, and that was through EX jewels.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
She may be unattractive, but a very powerful card. Aki decks have an even stronger graveyard now… those new dragons are giving some problems to my Fertlizer plays, but still so good.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Who knows for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the mini box ends up having more plant support. That would be nice.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
If only they put some card that turned dragons and spellcasters in my graveyard into plants. That would help a lot.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Ugh, I want to at least get to the Elite level that gives you a rose girl. But now it's almost all a bunch of sweaty Reijis who are still able to get everything they need with D/D/D and I'm just not seeing what big difference the nerf made to it.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I’m sorry about that. I think the only big deal is Kepler… they can get around that. Annoys me how they made it so Command of the Netdeck King still works and gives them the correct setup without making Hell Armageddon a brick.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
I forgot that it doesn't end once you hit master rank... When I saw how many levels it had, I was like, "Nope! I'm out of here! That's enough for me, thank you!"
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I highly apologize for the trouble. But I see you’re more than good enough at M-7… you got the cards and I know you’re as great at riding duels as you are at standing ones.


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