
PvP Best Decks & Tier List [Mar 15]

Am I the only one coming across strong Aromage decks?
No you are not alone.
<< Anonymous(Marksmen)
Didn't think so... Wondering why their not on here now?
<< Anonymous(Monreaux)
Aromage is not on the level of these other tiered decks though... Without backrow they can't do anything at all, they need their spell/traps EVERY turn to function. If you don't get rid of it, though, they're extremely toxic to deal with
Aromage needs a lot of continuous spell and trap cards to win. Once they are destroyed, it's dead. Also these continuous cards prevents you from using stuffs such as flood gate trap hole because of limited space in duel links.
aromage has high potential but they are too vulnerable to backrow removal. Nowsaday alsmot every deck is running Cosmic Cyclone, if your hand do not have spare backrow once they got removed, next turn you are dead.


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