
Fur Hire: deck recipe [Nov 3]

IF THIS DECK FULL OF CATS IS SUPPOSED TO BE "VERY 🔥ED" AND "A NO BRAINER"... ===> THEN WHY DO YOU LOSE AGAINST IT??? YOUR RAGE JUST MAKES NO SENSE PEOPLE. THE DECK IS NOT EVEN EXPENSIVE LOL -_-" I like the deck, but since it's not that expensive... I play some other 3 as well (fish, hazy and Aliens :D!) I wish Sartorius will be released soon, so I can have more alien support lol xd
C. Potato
Okay... where to begin here.
"Fur Hire" decks are very low risk with very high reward. They're probably the most consistent decks in the game right now, since it's almost impossible to not be able to summon Dyna or Wiz on turn 1. In addition, the "Fur Hire" monsters have insanely strong effects besides summoning power, to the point where an opponent would have to counter a monster effect... (1/2)
<< Anonymous(C. Potato)
C. Potato
1-3 times EVERY TURN or immediately lose all momentum, which (in my memory) is unprecedented for this game. The new cards also came at the same time as many other meta decks took a large nerf, so what might have been effective counterplay is no longer viable.
Lastly, as you said, the deck is not expensive, meaning it propagates quickly. It all makes life miserable for non-"Fur Hire" players. (2/2)
<< Anonymous
Aren't you the same guy who post different picture of the same proof. At the rate you are trying to downplay the issues, I am highly suspecting that you are a fur hire player, And are just posting wins of your fur hire deck against other. Prove me wrong pretender!
<< Anonymous
^Lol at this dude
Issues? which issues? mate
The fact that some idiots just trash talk in the comment section, that issue?


Comments (updated every hour)

I don't understand how the card works there needs to be a video on how to use it
With that huge right hand I thought it was supposed to be a one-hand games player.
If you need a spell caster or your lover or marriage. LOVE SPELL REACH OUT TO DR OZ EHIZELE. He a...
Weevil do insectual and super Minecraft kid sure :)
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