Used to like this game cause you had to be smart to build a strategy against combos, now everything is reduced to "Get the last super card that lock your opponent and destroys everything"... Well done Konami
KONAMI is conditioning players to play their premade auto-win decks. This is why we see so many Copy-Paste decks. If KONAMI can get most players to play premade/copy-paste decks then everybody else will feel pressured into buying those premade decks or even staples to keep up with the current meta. This is how you convert f2p players into customers and how you get older players to spend more money
Just so you know, Duel Links is originally from real life TCG Yu-Gi-Oh game when you have to buy pack with real money. Konami is a company where it need money to keep running. So stop complaining already. It's your choice to use money or not
Anyways, GameA preteen user base will literally whine about everything Konami do... Heck there's degenerates here calling the new Alien deck "P2W". Theirs so much tears of salt and toxicity here that it's actually sad to see that this site is still running in this state of rot and 🔥...