Just wait for this card to see no play at all on the ladder, only played as a side deck in tournaments like that other "meta shifting" cards: (lancea, dd crow, etc)
Nah, those you mentioned are slow anyway, Shien is only beaten by counter traps. I'm not suggesting tournament viability here, but rather, Shien's performance in cUcblocking comps that require s/t destruction to gain momentum like LV.
Shien 1st turn with wrath/provi/dual wield/flance is hellish to play against.
The only thing that's holding back Shien nowadays is the gradually increasing number of meta decks that doesn't require extensive use of spells/traps. It's still undeniably strong though, 2 Shiens on field is just plain nightmare, and if your backrow can't chain, good luck surviving.
LV is simply not a big deal for Shien fans, that's all I'm saying.
I mean beaten only by counter traps in terms of negation speed during a chain. In this manner, LV should still find use being able to discard, and that's it. Fuma will also protect Shien just fine. Anyway, the context here is LV impact on Shien, but LV in Blue-eyes deck can still pose a threat due to discard, but most other meta decks LV should be a non-issue.
dd crow is actually good......not with the majority of meta relying on gy. Lunalights redlady!? Banish ancients!? Banish Shs!? Banish BW raigeki in the gy!? Banish
to add to this, emerald bird does not care whether the monster is banished or not as both are valid spots. So emerald bird + crimson fox for cat dancer is still a (riskier) OtK