As a destiny hero player, the deck lacks the original backbone of countering stuff. No Dreadmaster, Clocktower Prison, and only two malicious. Not even disk commander, but they gave us Stratos?
I run a pure plasma deck using reinforcements
suggested cards:
kuribohs + multiply
troop dragon
solemn shouting and mirror wall (for reinforcements trigger)
blockman (for the f2p)
warrior returning (although you'll never use it)
i'll suggest more when I come to it
I run a pure plasma deck using reinforcements
suggested cards:
kuribohs + multiply
troop dragon
solemn shouting and mirror wall (for reinforcements trigger)
blockman (for the f2p)
warrior returning (although you'll never use it)
i'll suggest more when I come to it
Thanks. Even if it's just Plasma, I want to try something that uses at least one Destiny Hero. It is starting to feel awkward to hear Aster ramble on about them when I don't even have a deck for them with him yet.