Stay off this page with that attitude, its not his fault he gets good drops and you cry like a baby. Grow up you whiny brat. Unlucky is a good guy and also polite and kind on these posts. Take a hike your attitude is not welcome here!
Thank you so much for defending me again, bro! Let them say what they want. Everyone reflexes his personality in his comments. I have decided not to share my results of this event and the coming ones anymore so that to avoid such bad comments. Again, thanks Tiernan Adel! =)
Lel I was thinking of the same thing. Same writing style and all. 🔥ing bragger who acts as if he is a good boy. You can see him bragging on every farming event post, yet getting salty at S Joey event because he didn't get 3 Insights boohoohoo.
Second, I'm sorry for you, guys, if you are not much lucky during events. I completely understand how it feels. Be sure that I don't get lucky every event, and this is clear when I didn't get but only 2 copies of R.E.Insight, as you said!
I'm not the angry caps-locker Anoymous above, bur listen, Unlucky. You seem to sugarcoat your intentions with free will and good spirit. Yet, angry Anoymous fairs up a good point. You purportedly assumes that it is in our best (or neutral) interest to see how RNG favors an individual so that..? This intending seems to have an inkling of malice. If you don't have the rigor to contemplate on this,
I advise you to just sit still and do nothing when good drops seem to pour down. Do you wish to let people know RNG isn't unfair, or anything else? Do your free-spirited will wishes for people to console and sympathize at good circumstances happening in your game? In reality, although not a primal feeling, humans always act jealous, in any era, in every space. If you can consider this supposition,
lol capslock 🔥 u reached a new level of 🔥edness. ur so jealous I can laugh all day long. did your momma drop you on a horse poo or a pee puddle when you're a baby? u seem to get angry a lot ~haha
He's right, how about you go to hell with your drops Unlucky you are a little 🔥 stain who is rubbing on all of our faces with your kiddy drops. I bet your a type of trash who enjoy getting attention. I hope you get banned for using apk farm mod.
Thanks for your comment! I'm really surprised how much you all are full of hatred and jealous. Keep in your minds that your comments show how much salty you are and how much lucky I am. From now on, I'm no more unlucky.