I see many people defending this deck... I'm guessing its mostly folks who use the deck and are afraid of possible nerfs/limitations.
Whether it's overpowered or not - we can agree or disagree based on our own experience, but the fact remains - more people have reached KoG with this deck in 3-4 days after its release than Amazoness (previously the top tier deck) players have in 3x that time.
Personally, I think releasing fully assemblable overpowered decks in mini boxes is very bad for the balance of the game.
Either release decks across multiple boxes to make it more time consuming or expensive to assemble, or impose card limitations immediately upon release.
Seriously - when was the last time a new box was released that it hasn't tremendously unbalanced the game for a few weeks (that is, until the release of a new box)?
So make it that only pay to win players can build them. That makes sense. This will push most F2P out. I'm F2P and I built a sylvan deck because i was tired of losing to the pay to wins. Then once a non paying player gets a good deck it is requested by all the pay to wins to nurf it. Bunch of sissies if you ask me. So anyone who votes against mini box decks can blow me.
There are some decks in boxes that didnt unbalance the game.
From the top of my head.
Masked hero didnt unbalance the game.
Neither did psychic, hazy, horus, old silent mag minibox, gemini and probably some more that i cant recall right now.
New decks are fine.
It would be good if they dont overnerf decks and throw them out of the meta that way but try keep them in for as long as possible.
I'm going to be honest, I just straight up hate this deck. Make the Special Summons restricted to one summon per turn, or make the 2500 cards unable to be summoned. It's bad enough they can wipe your field. Following up with 2500+1500+1500 direct attacks is 🔥. All that deck needs is ECon to make me quit this game.
But, isn't the whole point of releasing cards box by box to continue to make your decks stronger with every new release?
Instead, what have the last few Main and Mini boxes done?
You can now go straight for the last Mini box and build by far the strongest deck in the game WITHOUT NEEDING A SINGLE CARD OBTAINABLE FROM OLDER BOXES, making 98% of everything prior to it completely obsolete.
I'm a dedicated F2P player, and I have spent thousands of gems just to get my stample UR traps and spells in otherwise mostly useless boxes.
Had I know Konami would go 🔥ed and started releasing FULL OP decks in new mini boxes, why the 🔥 would I waste my hard earned gems into now useless expensive 🔥s, cause it's all about swarm/destruction now.
Restart the game like me, you'll get 3500 free gems and new sr/ur tickets. Got a full fur hire deck in 2 days (2copies of Beat) and you can save gems for new boxes. Problem solved.