How do people play this? I run 3 urkight, 2 sandman, 3 maximus, 3 diamond core and 3 iron core, but somehow my starting hand always bricks and it's a real chore trying to get iron core. I've played something like 50 duels with it and won like 4 or 5 times because I can never get iron core unless I search it with diamond, and the one time I did get iron core I got all 3 in my starting hand and lost anyway. Serious, what builds are people using to get to KoG? I spent like 50 bucks on this deck and I don't want it to go to waste, but so far it seems way too bricky with no real recovery options. Help?
How does balance work? I heard somewhere that it doesn't activate unless you have 10/5/5 split?
Could I change my deck as follows:
Sandman x 2
Urknight x 3
Maximus x 3
Prototype x 2 - replace 1 with Xing Zhen Hu x 1
Galaxy cylcone x 2 - replace 1 with floodgate x 1
Iron core x 3
diamond core x 3
canadia x 2
I'm finding that too often I am getting spells in my hand like cyclone or trunade that I'm not using and no monsters or cores, so I can't keep any monsters on the field. Too inconsistent, not a good deck.
Balance need atleast 6 of each type (so 6 monster, 6 spell, 6 trap). For the 6 spell, 3 diamond and 3 iron core. 6-8 good traps, and 6-8 monster. Just make sure its 20 in total.
Okay I've decided. No way this is a tier 1 deck. It's far too unreliable, only good for one decent otk combo. I have a completely optional version of this deck and can't get past plat 1,meanwhile an amazoness deck I threw together with some decent traps gets me to legend 2. Screw whoever made the best pvp desks tier list on this website, biggest waste of 50 bucks in my life.
You are wrong Koa'ki meiru is a very flexible archetype. You can choose to play safer or more offensive. The boss is Maximus but there are other cards too. If u want to play safe on your turn 1 u need wall and prototype to lock your opponent or protect your monsters. If u want to play offensive u need sandman to negate traps and ice to destroy monsters.
Urnight is a must 2-3 copies. For me balance seems like the best way to play the deck but I don't have many staple traps so I use last gamble full offensive build plus some winged kuribohs and flutes to stall on turn 1 and either I get the cards I need to push for the win or I wait and use last gamble. I would use 2 hey trunade but I only have one and still I already got to max lvl on kc cup
Try running 3 maximus 3 unright 1 sandman and 1 wall. 3 diamond 3 iron core. 3 canadia then 3 decent traps. I got KoG last month using Koaki from Legend 1 to KoG with 16 wins and 1 loss. Just gotta know how to play it well coz it is a flexible archetype. Hope that helps.