
Power of the Guardians

This sounds like a great card, but those damn Canadias everywhere man.
Eh, to be honest Canadia is a 🔥 for pretty much almost everything in the game, a card that powerful should have been Limited already.

Maybe if the incoming "limited 3" has a lot of staple cards in it alongside Canadia.....then we'll see more varied plays as people are forced to bring only 1 Canadia.
use it using hazy or anti-trap monster
<< Anonymous
I'm not sure about Limited 3... it sounds like just a typo... but I'd be really happy if Canadia got limited that way. I'm f2p and have only 1... those whales with 3x Canadia 3x 🔥gate 3x Wall of Disruption are really a serious issue. Power of the Guardians is a joke compared to those broken 🔥s, and sadly Hazy or Anti-Trap also need some expensive staples to be optimal.
<< Anonymous
Nobody's using 3 canadia, 3 floodgate and 3 woD in one deck...
<< Anonymous
Canadia probably shouldn't be limited just on the merit that it's basically Duel Link's equivalent to Ash Blossom: Annoying, for sure, but if it didn't exist, some decks would just run train against people.
<< Anonymous
The Limited 3 did come, but much later. Still, stall burn continues to play 3x mistakegate, 3x Canadia 3x WoD. It's much more of an issue than this card.
<< Anonymous
Those 3, this card, and all the other strong backrow cards (example: Karma Cut, Ballista Squad) needs to be on limited 3, to be honest.

Yes it's a necessary evil like Ash Blossom, but the problem is when it is combined with other cards that are "plain evil".
<< Anonymous
only karma cut ballista and raegiki needs to be limited.canadia is ok.floodagate annyoing but lots player dont have 2-3 and 1 is ok.wall of d they just pop it or reduce 800 atk only.overrated card.also limit fiendish.


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