I won 3 duels in a row using this deck. I think it's more reliable than surprise present deck as this deck can handle well the stamping destruction. One problem is a duel assessment is quite low, around 6000+. Is there any way to switch some cards to use vassal + union atk instead?
Thanks man. But with that method, you can't make 10000 damage. 700(Vassal)+2*3000(BEWD)+2*400(UG) = 7500 damage. You will get 200 assessment points less than Piranha with 10000 damage. The hard part of playing Vassal Union is you need more card (one more UA, BEWD, or cards to summon BEUD or Oz) than Piranha
You could try using Blue Eyes Ultimate instead with mythical beast of serket and temple of kings that should made 10k and allow you too keep unhappy girl out. Just don't let him wind art the ultimate
I would like to do that but one problem is Union Attack combo needs more cards than Piranha combo.
For UA combo you need; 1.Temple of the Kings 2.Serket 3.Vassal 4.UA 5.UA/Spell Reclamation
While for Piranha combo you need; 1.BEWD 2.Piranha 3.GotM 4.Riryoku
Actually one more card (totally 21)is ok for this deck since you will draw faster using Rai-Mei and Crystal Seer
I won about 90% with BEUD as you only need to draw 2 UGs to win. And how many cards it takes doesn't really matter when you're stalling till your last card anyway