I know its a drop but do standard duelists drop it? Only legendary duelists? At what levels do they need to be?
Answer List
I got hug from level 10 yugi
You can get Harpies Hunting Ground as a skill drop by facing legendary duelists with Mai.
People have been able to get the skill by facing lvl 10,20,30 + 40 duelists, with the most reporting they get it from Bandit Keith (you can get this drop from anyone, but for some reason more people are posting about bandit keith)
Go to the farming section of this website to figure out what decks to use to farm. Alternatively, check out some youtube videos for farming
Hah? You know what, you can answer almost all this question in this board by just going on with the game, it will answer itself once you went a lil more, the one who ask stupid quetion here is either lazy ass motherfcker or just want to try this game for a while, btw here's the answer >>> Fck, read this website, its there