There is already cards in duel links frome the other generations and pleased no more cruseing or insulting
GX will come first and then 5ds
I need 5ds. need it
if the add GX they will probably need to have more then just 3 monster and spell/trap areas
Just hope to god no fuckig pendulum them I'm out
they are already posting cards from other generations, like some stellar monsters and dragon supporter's cards, but they won't put new summoning methods since they want a card game, a slow paced one, and those cards would problably kill it. Still it's possible that they release some GX cards since it didn't introduce any new summoning method and the cards from the GX series aren't very fast ones.... we will see in the future
I feel that they'll only put the first three Yu-Gi-Oh due to them being fairly popular.
I hope to God not! Putting in generations other than the first one is what caused other Yu-Gi-Oh games to go down hill! I hope they stick to the original series ONLY!!