
is it a must to purchase the cards?

So some yugioh series character's card has been released over some time in yugioh such as akaba reiji (Arc-V)'s DDD, gong strong (Arc-V)superheavy samurai, zuzu boyle (Arc-V)Melodious archetype and many more.

So when they are released maybe next year or so, is it a must to purchase the deck now or wait for it to be re-release later that year? if they are going to release the same cards again arent we actually wasting our gems?


Answer List

Due Links is the mos f2p card game in the market.

That's why all losers hate it.
the thing is, you can only hold 9999 gems, and some more in your inventory.
The ones in your inventory can expire. Even if you don't spend them, you will lose them. So it is best to spend your gems wisely, especially if you are F2P
use ya brain a lil bit, with that logic, u shouldnt buy any packs, because ''tHe cArDs MiGhT bE rEpRiNtEd iN tHe FuTuRe''... hello?????
We don't know what cards will be re-released. But it looks like Box & Structure Deck URs and SRs won't be re-released.

Question List

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Comments (updated every hour)

Perfect counter against Gouki
Good target is vampire lord.
322-228-550 No worries. Even if know I'm winning, I'll still overextend for you.
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