
why do people complain when bans happen

A lot of players abuse cards and mechanics in ways they were never meant to be used and then complain when Konami tries to rectify the mistake they made in believing that the player base would use cards appropriately. for example I wouldn't be surprised if crimson fox gets limited or banned because people use is in invocation and neos fusion decks to get its effect to pop off. The card was not implemented to be used like that and when its misused Konami feels a need to fix it in order to rebalance the game.
I'm sorry you feel like you that because you pay money you are above fair and balanced tactics but Konami does not feel the same way


Answer List

Trascendent Crystals: The new "you can only use this skill from turn 3 onwards" clause is meant to cripple Crystrons consistency on their first turn, but has also affected people who used the skill in decks like Crystal Beasts or Flower Cardian.
What the person before me said....Komoney only hit cards to force you to buy other cards and spend money,they are so greedy the game should have a balance and they are not balancing the game

they hit cards and strategist that have been meta after a while because they want you to spend on the new meta, the way they see it they hit cheap meta so u have to invest in expensive meta
As said by above anon. Konami bans card in bad ways. Let's look at today's ban: they turned Elementsaber Malo into limited 1. That's ridiculous! Invoked Cocytus is already limited 1 all these time, this means we can longer put them in the same deck! This practically killed Invoked Elementsaber deck! This disappoints people and make them rethink before spending money again. Very clever, Konami.
Because it changes their status quo.
Bans do not happen because cards are not being used in their intended manor, bans happen when a strategy becomes more powerful than the rest of the competition by a significant margin, Konami tends to hit the wrong cards in banning decks. For example, thunder dragons, a Tier 1.5 deck was hit recently on the may banlist, People wanted the decks power to be reduced, not @@@ing smashed into the ground, the banlist killed the deck by removing it´s main playmakers NOT its most powerful cards, so instead of having a fairer deck, you had a annoying deck which would either open up with its most powerful combo or just scoop. Cards that were used for their unintended purpose aren't really present in duel links, the lunalight combo you mentioned is really @@@ to anyone who plays the game, it's not being used in an unintended way, it's just being used in a different way. Konami seems to either lightly pat a deck on a banlist or smack it square in the forehead with a sledgehammer, we don't mind that Konami bans cards, we mind that they suck at it.

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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