
Its a toon world still unlockable?

Is the pegasus skill its a toon world still obtainable if you have pegasus unlocked?


Answer List

I believe Pegasus can drop it or use a SR ticket.
unlocking pegasus doesnt unlock toon world, you have to farm him in order to get that card, getting it to drop might be tricky though
I've just drop it. You need to play a lot of PvP duels, not LD.
yes, just farm LD with him.
Good luck
It is, you just need to be extremely lucky so it’s hard to get.

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Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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