What are some fun, budget decks in this current meta?
What are some fun, budget decks in this current meta?
I have quite a collection of cards. I have been able to build BlueEyes, Aromage,Spellbook,Madolche, and EHeros. I'm on a fix budget irl so I'm looking for some budget decks to play.
Answer List
DM is fun as hell
Baboon ritual from Land of Titans is a fun deck.
Try Vylon Epsilon with Labyrinth Builder Skill
You could build up Anti-trap using only TTH and no Needle Ceiling as long as you have the equip spells and other traps to back it.
And depending on your definition of fun Parasite Golem burn (on here as Lava Golem v2) makes for a fun challenge. The staple cards can be gotten F2P (minus Sphere Kuriboh, but Winged Kuriboh makes for a good substitute).
Hazy Flame, Aromage, Fur Hire, Alien Geargia, Gladiator Beasts are decks I know of that are budget(some require event rewards) and do well for a budget player. Take caution, however, for Alien and Aromage, even though they have their strengths, they are of a harder difficulty to play effectively on the ranked ladder, even though DL has quite an easy ladder to climb(until just before KOG?, I'm not sure). Have fun:)
Geargia, Aliens, Ojamas, Lava golem.
If you want have fun, just play any meme deck available, but of course it will not take you to ranks above Platinum
Ice Barrier is a fun one. Not exactly meta, but you can do a lot with it if you play your cards right. And it isn't too expensive because you can use all of the cards, not just farm for a single UR card for it.