
Why are cards used by LD's unavailable to us? Mokuba lvl30 just used preparation of rites!!!

Cards such as preparation of rites would be ideal for my deck.... But it doesn't appear in the card catalog or even on this website it States under construction for how to get!?!?! Why is this????


Answer List

Yoy cant get it.Not yet at least these cards are not added to the gameThey probably never will and if they do it will be a long time from now.The reason for this is that they would make ritual decks too op
AI's are idiots, they need all the OP cards they can get.
I agree it breaks the game but they should put card restrictions on PVP gaming and leave all cards available for NPC use
Cards like that would change the meta so quickly and make some meta decks incredibly over-powered. Preparation of rites would make Relinquished a lot easier to summon and at least 90% of all people in Plat (or even gold) would run a Relinquished deck with Prep of rites. Same thing goes for all other LDs too, imagine Sakuretsu Armor being released because Bakura used it, it would be pretty much impossible to land an attack against a deck with mirror walls and sakuretsu.
you may think that card is ideal for you deck but for many people, it just destroy the game
lol do you even realize that if those cards are released that you'd be going against other people who have those too? In 1 turn, people can probably summon 3 relinquished, or 3 garlandolf. Yeah, no...
It would break the game if those cards are released. It's posted here to share information.

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Comments (updated every hour)

It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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