This guy too. I'm gonna win , he use dicephoon and I lose because of time out. I remember my time before I end my turn is around 100 seconds.
Duelist ID: 452-457-560
Duelist ID: 185-892-873 / HoangGiaoSu
Just sets cards on the field, then I attacked two face down and I lose???
I didn't miss-clicked
I didn't run out of time
I didn't have bad connection
Last time i got this Problem Couple times in ranked duels
Connection error i have to restart the game
Does my opponent Uses a hack?
Timeloss hack
I need to report duelist Jaimexyz id #314-719-605 asap. This player caused a time limit loss on me in Ranked Duels. I had over 150 seconds left after attacking. I had the game won too.
Time loss cheater. Please ban..
Guy just so happened to have two of the same exact card that I removed. And then left so I couldn't get a chance to recode it.
Another dip shit cheater. Got completely outplayed and then during his turn my time limit reached 0 and lost. Konami fix your game.