A generic monster in every single fusion deck from Red eyes to Neos, Lunalight to Quintet.
Limit 2 is unavoidable.
"This card will be limited to promote deck diversity and strategies that do not rely on this card, as it has been used in many different decks for a long time."
Yeah, just when I thought Neos Fusion was limited from 3 to 2. Then they add this and now people can have Neos Fusion in their starting hand a lot easier. Combine with A/D changer & Lunalight Fox into a same deck and that is enough to limit all of them at 2. You are NOT allowed to have all these Neos Fusion, Keeper of Dragon Magic & Fox in a same deck.
F u c k you Komoney!
Why do you ban this card only now!?
For months, year it was out and you only wait for new XYZ release box to ban broken cards!
If you are going to ban then do it from the very first day those cards are released you piece of s h I t.
Don't wait for people to buy it first s h I t!