If you want Survival's end to be limited, then wait 4 months.
If you want PoG limited, then wait 5-6 months. After such lapse of time has passed, I'm pretty sure another F2P deck will be already released and playable
De-spell isn't a good card- the only deck that does play it only does as a lack of better options if they don't have access to the other good cards. And with how expensive the other cards are, it's makes it a lot harder to deal with this this.
Just because there are plenty of bad cards that "can" remove this doesn't make them all viable answers
It's not like they're the only outs. Something like Magic Deflector works against most of the top decks, and also kills Power of the Guardians for example. It's also a Card Trader Rare. Maybe instead of complaining, you should try looking for a solution yourself. ;p
How about a Samurai6 Shi En and PowerofGuardians? This is a tactic I've seen time and time again. At that point you just try to keep drawing for 2 removal. There is nothing competitive about this. It is like someone holding a power weap in a FPS. Sure they can be taken out, but there is absolutely no skill in the use of the weapon.