
19th Main Box: Warriors Unite

They should be called sixty samurai, there are so many...
You do relieze blackwings have over a hundred in just monsters right six sam has less then 50 in basicly monsters
<< Anonymous(Yusay )
<< Anonymous(Yusay )
"You do relieze blackwings have over a hundred in just monsters right six sam has less then 50 in basicly monsters"
You DO REALISE that what he's referring to is the number SIX in "six" samurai when there's clearly way more than six. That's what he's saying. You stupid moron.
<< Anonymous(Jakku)
The way the Six Samurai were released, they actually ARE in sets of six, it's just multiple different "teams". The original Six (Zanji and co), the Legendary Six, the future versions of the Legendary Six (Grandmaster, Hand, Spirit, etc.), the Secret Six Samurai, and then a couple of outliers (Elder, Kagamusha and the various non-Legendary incarnations of Shien) that likely aren't part of a "team".
<< Anonymous
Sixty blackwings new sub archetype confirmed


Comments (updated every hour)

I don't understand how the card works there needs to be a video on how to use it
With that huge right hand I thought it was supposed to be a one-hand games player.
If you need a spell caster or your lover or marriage. LOVE SPELL REACH OUT TO DR OZ EHIZELE. He a...
Weevil do insectual and super Minecraft kid sure :)
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