
Gladiator Beast Darius | Deck and Rulings

What is the goddamn point of this card? There is no main phase 2 in DL so the GB you ss with his effect can't be used as fusion material, and it is shuffled into the deck during the end phase so you can't use it to attack.
The point is make it compulsory to buy their gb box else the rewards will be literally useless.
<< Anonymous
No, I mean, even with GB box this card is really useless. Other GBs in the box have so much better effect than this.
"it is shuffled to the deck when this card leaves field"
<< Anonymous
It help you to summon Heraklinos
<< Anonymous
That's nearly BS.
Yes it can(but only if it survive next turn).
The main purpose is to get important GB back into your deck, else this card is useless as you need them IN your graveyard first, THEN survive an attack(either from you or your opponent) AND don't be in disadvantage(monster/backrow destruction).
For this purpose, there is a better card, that don't require such a specific setup.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Literally the only reason you fools are claiming this card is useless is because Duel Links lacks a Main Phase 2, the Gladiators playground. Glads have proven they work w/out that Phase in DL so its time to make this card work & there are multiple ways. -_-
<< Anonymous
No it's not the only reason.
I play a GB deck and his effect is most times useless.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Then you aren't playing your cards right if you think Darius is useless.
<< Anonymous
When you lose so much GB, you are doing something wrong. We don't need a GB useless around for nothing. And against the banish area(SB/Amazoness) he can't do a 🔥.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Thank you for admitting you can't play GBs correctly or, at the very least, at all if you constantly lose with them.

Play another Archetype then, maybe a easy "Meta" one and stop complaining about this one.
<< Anonymous
Why do you write BS? Did I wrote I lose with it? You shouldn't rely on GB, that are useless in normal situations. Especially with a card you can easily replace.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
If I may interject: Your statement of "When you lose so much GB" + the following can easily be taken as you lose a lot while playing this Archetype. You also saying GB are useless "in normal situations" doesn't help that you DON'T lose with them & heavily implies Meta fever (aka you care about the Meta way too damn much to not just play the game normally).
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
That said, let me guess; something like Powerful Rebirth replaces Darius? Not exactly as like Fur Hire, GB cards must stick w/ GB cards to be at full force. And, as already stated, no MP2 = GB is hampered but still workable. Especially when the other Fusions come around, Darius helps summon them faster.

This card is NOT useless. Very few cards actually are. So yeah, that's my bit.
How is this card useless? Opponent attacks a GB you control, activate Impenetrable, SS this + 1 GB from grave. Next turn you have easy fusion
<< Anonymous
Next turn you attack with your fusion and lose to the backrow. Because you invested your resources to get back a monster, that shouldn't have been in graveyard first.
Second you need an impenetrable shield, which you most times lack.
So what important card you want to replace you with this card?
And with the formulations: Maybe I should have made it more clear. GB= Gladiator Beast(s)
Taming is
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
is for example a card I'm unsure too if I want to replace E-controller. But it need face-up GBs to be used.
You dont know the effect or you just dont know? How can it return to the deck during End Phase?
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
You may not have impenetrable attack but with a properly balanced deck, you should always have a back row set. Not a useless card at all
<< Anonymous
exactly, people dont think, their brain is in their foot
Just because u cant comprehend the various strategies this card can be used in, doesnt mean that its. summoning nerokius and /or heraklinos is a huge advantage
<< Anonymous
*doesnt mean that its useless.


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