
Hate Buster | Decks and Tips

Let me guess, the burn is going to be halved as well for this card?
Hehe... Even worse "quarter"
<< Anonymous(YEET)
For f u c k´s sake...Every single new burning damage effect nerfed to oblivion because ONE card. Talk about the innocent paying the guilty.
<< Anonymous
Let me correct that :
"For f u c k´s sake...Every single new burning damage effect nerfed to oblivion because 4000 LP. Talk about the innocent paying the guilty."

There you go
<< Anonymous
Cards like these are incredibly gimmicky at best, if not downright useless at worst. At the very least, let people who actually want to bet on these experiment the satisfaction of pulling it off.

Or what? You gonna tell me Volcanics were going to break the game if not for the nerf? Or maybe that EH Flame Wingman is one of the most devastating cards in the current meta?
<< Anonymous
^Is this even coming from burn deck user? Lol.
<< Anonymous
These "experiment satisfaction" in always has done with more effort, and yeah you could win even with 8000LP. DL even have skills to make it easier.
You draw a same amount of card, after all unless you want to draw 2 card at the start of the turn.

Not nerfing the burn damage basically saying TCG need to double all its burn damage so it is FaIR


Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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