Atm, GameA deck building:
3 karma cut
3 fiendish chain
3 book of moon
7 xyz
+Insert any monster card you want, even 3 beaver warriors, and your deck is guarantee to work.
IQ needed to run the deck 4%
Welcome to staple deck building.
^ that's how you know the game is broken: the same cards over and over again, the same cards carrying decks by its own (hello tellars and gouki), non existent deck building, no diversity, etc
Don't be so sure. One day you will be the one crying when you can no longer play balance. Balance is the real problem here. Ban it and everything will be different. Just watch out after the next KC Cup.
What makes you think that balance isn't broken? You should play TCG and tell the judge. I want 1 of each monster/spell/trap in my starting hand in every duel or else I won't play.
In theory heavy backrow loses to hey trunade, but best decks are barred from using it. IMO back row is less annoying than hand traps sphere, boxer veil and kiteroid.