
Infected Mail | Decks and Ruling

I don't think this will be obtainable. Is op since it's continous. Like toons
Read the fine print dummy the monster goes to the graveyard at the end phase not only that but if your opponent stops the attack then your monster just died for nothing
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
U can use Anti-magic arrows to block everything then attack unless they have a kuriboh
<< Anonymous
Yes well if they use that then it's a whole different story,this card by itself is fine though
Sjp91. Lol 3sd+martyr will almost guarantee you an instant kill. This card is broken.
<< Anonymous(Yagami)
3sd reduces the level of monsters in your HAND I repeat Hand not FIELD so in theory this wouldn't work (gift of the martyr part would though) also we already have a few non toon direct attackers that don't blow themselves up after use so what's the big Deal?
<< Anonymous(Yagami)
By your silly logic Servant of Catabolism is also broken lol since you can achieve a otk using the above combo you mentioned xd actually you know what let's just ban any card that allows direct attacks :p
we already have menace from the deep skill that allows 4 star or lower monster to attack directly when umi is activated, almost similiar to this card effect. but i never heard anyone got kog with that skill.
<< Anonymous
One other thing about otks like the one (bakura guy) mentioned is that they are usually inconsistent due to the fact they often require key cards and the opponent not stopping them in order to work
<< Anonymous(Don't be a noob)
According to Bakura guy running s/t is either not possible or it doesn't compute with him.
Gladiator Beasts don't need to be more powerful. (And yes, this does help them quite a bit. Being able to hit directly instead of risking ATK-dropping Traps is a big deal, especially in a 4k LP format where poking a few times with Bestiari/Laquari will game someone.)
<< Anonymous
Wall of Destruction can be activated in response to a direct attack, though


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