Mai ain't ain't that hard to farm. The problem with this is event isn't mai's deck, the problem is the damn spawn rate; I am not sure how much rng based is this spawn rate but i have spent the entire day checking the duel world and i have only seen mai 2 times, 2 TIMES and both times it was a lvl 30...
This is just too much 🔥, i am at stage 60 and trust me, it hasnt been rewarding at all, if anything it sucks because standard duelist are tougher/slower to defeat with auto-duel and their drops aint no better than someone at stage 20
Konami has to at atleast rise LD spawn rate based on stage.
exactly mai isnt that hard to farm i use hazy flame to farm her and it works like a charm but she hasnt dropped anything yet for me welll i have only farmed her 10 times so
I do believe you have seen mai as often as you claim but you have to admit that you either have been lucky or i have been unlucky, either way it is all up to the rng which is not satisfying at all.
As if the rng involved in the sr card drops isnt enough you have to add the rng involved in getting a high assesmen score and the rng involved in mei's spawn rates.
If a player as dedicated as me with properly build farm decks has to face this rng nuissance just imagine a casual/newbie player. This is plain 🔥 from whichever point you look at it and konami is gonna lose a lot of players if they continue to bring events as unrewarding as this one.