Hell yes, Buster Blader stuff! Buying the CRAP out of this box. Morphtronic stuff is welcome, too. Also really like Memory of an Adversary, though the low LP here makes it a little riskier.
It's funny, I actually don't really have a big issue with Blue-Eyes. They're a pretty one-deck. If they get disrupted, they'll usually lose. If they don't, they stomp you very quickly.
But Buster Blader/Destruction Sword is my favourite TCG archetype. The playstyle is pretty fun.
Vampires will enjoy people wasting their time on Buster Blader decks. They are going to remain a rogue anti-meta at best, with no way to deal with Masked Heroes or Spellbooks either.
What a bunch of hater, judge and understimate new box before released that what loser always do, and when the day come those card become meta they ll complain all days, good luck with ur amzoness,fur hire,vampire bcs soon theyll be a history, just like sylvan and glad beast