How do you say Fur Hire is broken??
Could you elaborate???
1 Econ and the furries are gone!
Perhaps 1 Econ too expensive for you? hmm??? Your hate for fur hire makes ABSOLUTE NO SENSE AT ALL !
You guys are noobs !
If I get "trunaded" I'd STILL WIN. Because the guy would be able to 🔥 just 2 of my monsters, on my next turn I Equip Dyna to vampire vamp and problem solved.
You keep losing because you are nothing more than haters. You guys r noobs !
I believe they should just leave furries in peace because it's actually pretty easy to win against them. My Lightsworn deck can beat furries as well ^^
tilted by a one-liner "cock smoker" comment, so you post and spam the site all day long with cliche "you know..." comments.
so you admit you're a newbie in this site? all way back 2017, those kind of one-liner comments are so common, it's rare that someone focus their attention to those troll comments like you lulz
It’s not like E Con is the only way to take away a Fur Hire’s SS effect chance. Chalice, TTH, Canadia, Bottomless, Offerings to the Doomed. And that’s just a few options for flat out stopping them for summoning, not to mention Battle Phase Spells/Trap’s if they didn’t destroy a Set Backrow/pull Wiz
Everyone knows that there are plenty of ways of dealing with Fur Hires. The problem is will you be able to have them when necessary? RNG doesn't work the same for everyone, so NOTHING guarantees you will pull out the necessary counter for them. They can even pull out some backrow removal and completely cuck you. I'd say skill makes out about 30% of a duel and the rest is completely on luck.
While you make a good point, luck plays against them too. Fur Hires have as much of a chance getting a match up brick as any other deck. All up to who’s luck is better in that case
That's why going second gives decks like Fur Hires such an advantage, thanks to the additional draw. But yeah, no one is safe from a brick. I brick all the time, so I avoid going on the latter as much as possible. It still happens every time I try to farm though...
You can whine as much as you want, but some folks just... keep winning, y'know?, you complains could have the most expensive/strong deck in your hands and you will still lose.
Not all decks can afford running Econ due to the limitation, not to mention to stop FH using Econ, you have to use the 2nd effect, tributing own monster is not something most decks can afford all the time.
I still can’t believe how some guys just keep losing to fur hire and call them "🔥ous" when in fact it’s pretty easy to win against them. I think it’s a very fun deck as well, hate toward it seems kinda weird to me.
I don’t understand why some dudes got a special "grudge" against this deck since it’s actually very easy to deal with, sometimes it even feels like some kind of extortion against whoever plays it ! wtf