
Fur Hire: deck recipe [Nov 3]

Has anyone advice for mirror matches?
Me need help too in mirror!
If you start first don't do all the 🔥 you want, just summon 2 furries. when i play mirror match and i start first, most of the times i start summoning beat and wiz or dyna and let recon and donpa in my hand waiting for my opponent to not waste their effects
Play chalice or econ if you go first.

If you go second and they don't have chalice or econ just swarm the board with your furries. Prioritize banishing the high level furries with your Dyna's effect
Play chalice and wall of disruption. In mirror match those two really help and try to get Wiz as soon as possible and always keep fur hire in your hand to negate counter move in mirror match if Wiz is on the board only go full force when ymthe timing is right. Hope this help
And you can also have many different counter cards like Canadia and Floodgate Traphole also helps a bit to stop to swarm to begin. You have a lot of counter card to play with there. Stop their opening flooder and you pretty much good.
<< Anonymous
You need to do a lot more than stop their opening flood.
They can recover fine from just an opening flood.
<< Anonymous
From just an opening flood stop i mean.


Comments (updated every hour)
I don't understand how the card works there needs to be a video on how to use it
With that huge right hand I thought it was supposed to be a one-hand games player.
If you need a spell caster or your lover or marriage. LOVE SPELL REACH OUT TO DR OZ EHIZELE. He a...
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