Since a P2W whales keeps laughing at the question I posted AND other trolls keep replying to questions I didn't ask I'm making a new post.
When Solid's negation effect targets WC Verre upon summon, Verre chains to negate the opposing field. If I chain Solid's shuffle effect in response to her field negate, is Solid's first effect guaranteed to negate WC Verre?
Well, in the case a BE Solid dragon is targeting Verre the player who controls her has no reason to not react to the dragon. Why would you remain passive if a Michael is banishing your monster or if a fiendish is negating you?
Discarding a spell to force Solid Dragon to tag out is better than let it stay on the field. Solid Dragon would be a dead draw if you run out of Blue Eyes in your deck
So if shuffling Solid "really" allows him to dodge Verre's negation while still negating her then 3 things can happen.
1: no BEWD for shuffling. Verre wins if she activates negation.
2: there is a BEWD. Verre activates, Solid shuffles and win.
3: Verre doesn't activate for some reason. Solid wins. Regardless of having a BEWD to shuffle or not.
Most Blue Eyes players don't run Solid Dragon for some reasons: (1) its effect is very situational, (2) cannot be used to special summon Cosmo Brain, (3) backrow like Raigeki Break and Karma Cut do a much better synergy.
Don't forget that you only have 3 BEWD at most in a deck. If you draw 1-2 of them + used Cosmo Brain or WSotA for the third from the deck you have essentially countered yourself.
A card to shuffle BEWD from banish pile/gy/field/hand as a cost could be helpful here. Or even as an effect. But none exist to my knowledge. Except UR/SR like transmigration from old boxes irrelevant for BE players.
Unless someone knows a good easily accessible card that does that?
Yes. Most cards that can shuffle back a BEWD into the deck that comes to my mind do this as an effect, not as a cost.
I would also be interested to know the name of a card that can do that.