Try to play it and you will see all weaknesses. There is a 🔥 ton of counters besides just unplayable hands. And unplayable hands are not just 3 Blue eyes and COC in your hand. Try to win with one egg or vanilla beater on first turn against something like Blackwings, Cyberdragon, Dragunity or Infernity. Water Abyss dweller prevent summon from the graveyard, Tunderdragon blow up your field..
From turn 3 with only a fusion that can be targeted and destroyed you'll be finished in turn 2 with 2 blue eyes in hand if opponent is playing any aggro deck like blackwing/hero's/onomat/photon
Blue-Eyes used to brick hard but with all the search and draw cards that rarely happens anymore. Deck is a little too good now to be honest and needs some kind of nerf.
The funny thing is if the top 1 global made it to the top using a different deck then yall are getting bamboozled saying this deck is broken. I bet you cu nts havent seen true can cers like the shirnaui,pre-nerf sixsam,burn,and sylvan meta to say this deck broken.