So, putting this card in a burn deck seems really annoying. You guys think people will run this in that style of deck? I ask because burn decks tend to try and neuter strong monsters and inflict effect damage so it seems to fit.
Parasite decks should find this card pretty useful. Parasites summoned on their field would make summoning Lava Golem easier, and Parasite decks tend to run Mask of the Accursed. Equipping golem with a mask would increase the damage it causes to 1500, while keeping it from attacking its owner. Only problems would be them tributing golem or destroying its mask.
The first problem you mentioned was what if your opponent tributes Lava Golem. The solution is: let them tribute it. Even if we negate a tribute summon, it will not negate the tribute. Instead, use Blast held by a Tribute. They will lose all their attack position monsters and take 1000 burn damage when they attack with the tribute summoned monster.
Or use "Symbols of duty" to revive any monster from either players graveyard by tributing 1 normal monster.That way u won't have the lava golems affect and it will basically Be a normal monster
Dude, 2 monsters tribute, then you give a 3000 atk monster to your enemy, unless you have 3 masks, to hold this guy, you just will be digging your own grave in parasite deck, think about