
16th Mini Box: Secrets of the Ancients

I got everything I wanted with just 2800 gems, it seems like Junk Armades is actually top tier material and a fun archetype as well. Traptrix seems to be cool, but I'm new to that archetype so I couldn't really tell how good it is. Box is pretty decent actually, I dunno why some dudes still want to get Anki, are they lazy?, foolish or just trolling? they had like 10 months to build that deck (which is currently pretty much dead thanks to Wildheart anti-meta).
<< Anonymous
Nope I said you’re
Lovely Aster
Have you ever considered that they are new players who did not have ten months? Or that they want it because they simply like the deck? No, you have not. Stop being such an obnoxious jerk with the copy paste comments like this where you post under 50 billion different names. And stop bragging about the gems like it is some big achievement or something. I don't give a 🔥 about how you did it.
Loli Fapper
Yeah, stop being an ass, not everyone play this game for moths.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
Why being so toxic to him ?
<< Anonymous
The op is the moron who talks to himself and only says the same exact stuff over and over. He’s the joke of this site
<< Anonymous
He's just super-duper butt hurt that there has never been an Aster event but there is a Tristan event going on as I type
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster
lmao Of course they chose a Tristan event instead. What did you think? They made up garbage meme for him while almost all of Aster's cards that are left are too scary for a lot of the players who whine about everything being too powerful.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
This kid just pop up from no where every time someone mention Hero or Anki deck I dont know why just igonre him.
And btw he wasn't fcking talking to you about the gem so no body asking for your opnion here kid,get lost.
On the other hand, hey blue_rocket_ I an more than glad to know what UR SR u got with only 2800 cuz I had a very bad luck with this box man xD.
<< Anonymous
You can’t call someone a kid and Unironically use XD pick one or the other kid
<< Anonymous
Yes we can.
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster
Same anon troll in all the posts except mine and the OP's. He pretends to be different people (like blue rocket/Konami promoter enjoys doing) and switching opinions repeatedly. And will probably still keep talking to himself here when I'm gone. Lather, rinse, repeat. Yeah, have fun with that. For the 50 billionth time.
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
Some might just like it but some not. See what happen with amazon and fur hire after limited...
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
I'm a new anon to this thread, and I knew Lovely Aster for a year or so. Lovely Aster, why do you keep lying and change so much attitude? I can't help but notice, you started out sweet and funny in this site, then become obnoxious and moody. Are you being impersonated or that's the real you?
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
You also told us that you will NOT ever comment on other people's opinions of "HOW THEY PLAY THE GAME" (remember this?) because to you, how others play the game isn't what matters. What happened to your attitude now? Did Kaiser influenced you to become this rude? Or are you pretending to be nice from the very start?
<< Anonymous
Post #3
(Still Same anon above) Yes, I know "what" you're referring to, that name-changer anon who loves to campaign and promote so much, and should be actively involved in the "boicotting spam" that happened months ago. I don't like that bunch, but don't fool us too. Seeing you snapped like this, I'm actually convinced you're just trying to pretend nice. Not good.
<< Anonymous
Idk just asking
<< Anonymous
I'm close with Lovely Aster. Not talking to you, okay?


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