Fubuki Tenjoin aka Atticus Rhodes(the brother of Alexis) has already been datamined together with Zane & Yubel since long ago so he is definately the next one coming.
Camula, because we got more than enough vampires now. And to see her dialogue with Zane. Just as long as she doesn't turn him into a doll again if you lose to her!
I hope the Toy cards from Bonaparte become actual cards in the near future. (They just adapted some S4 from DM, namely the Von Schroeders'.) Do the same good by GX.
I wouldn't mind Sheppard, though we already have literally all of his cards except Scrap Fusion and Pot of Greed, so he'd be highly unlikely.
Bonaparte would be interesting. I could see them doing it if they wanted to massively expand on the number of anime-exclusive cards in Duel Links, since most of his DECK is anime-exclusive. But he's pretty low-priority.
I doubt it maybe as an unobtainable but it will probably be all of the main antagonists from the first season of gx in something like the battle city event but will probably use spirit keys instead of map fragments or dice.