Special Summon Gate Guardian Right Away and wait until you get polymerization and fusion summon ultimate blue eyes,get both gift of the martyr and piranha army and secret pass of treasures and deal 18100k damage on last turn to get 7400 reward points
This Deck can also be used against Level 40 Yugi, Odion, Weevil, and Rex. You can replace Alligator's Sword with any non effect monster(s). And you can replace blue eyes and ultimate blue eyes with Big Koala/Des Kangaroo & Master of Oz. For Tea you MUST have a fusion monster since her health will be too high from her trap card that gains her life points for every card she draws.
there shouldnt be a difference between poly and gate, you wont even need the fusion sage that way. you can even use any other fusion for the deck, since youll only need a few attack points for the 5k.