A: not possible to get a second golem yet
B: soldier is mediocre af, i'd go with machina sniper since most decks run 17/1800 monsters.
C: make sure you run Crowler with middle age mechs
you get a 2nd Golem from leveling up Crowler you dumbass. Also ancient gear soldier is better then machina sniper or any other machine card thats not sergeant electro. Please dont ever give advice you dont know what your talking about. 🔥
+1 AG Castle, +3 E-con, +1 electro, -3 soldier, -2 Gravity Blaster. Do NOT play Hamstrat. It's expensive and serves no purpose because you already have 2 castle
Agree, also for me Hamstrat seems to work only as fodder for anti Dakini ECons and to get obliterated by AG Beast in the mirror match. I'd stick to Sergeant Electro, Castle and ECons anytime