rofl, go play with you're phoenix/red eyes card's big boy enjoy the thought that you know how to play this game and ruin the fun in pvp.
uncreative meta boy.
You know I never understood people that cry about people useing meta decks in ranked that's literally the point you want to win and meta decks win if you want to be creative and have fun play casual they made it for a reason
Look I see what your saying I'm not calling anyone out I'm just saying in ranked duel the only goal is to rank up to kog everything else is just a made up rule like not using meta decks you're only handicapping yourself winning with your own deck custom deck is cool it really is but don't call out everyone for trying to win like I said that's the only true point of the ladder
It gets completely and utterly boring when you use the meta just to win the ladder. It's probably fine the first few times, but you eventually end up wanting to experiment.
As for your question, I don't think it'll be meta, but it'll definitely be a surprising little thing to see.