
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist

Uhmm! When my opponent was about to activate Necrovalley to protect it, I countered with a trap to destroy this monster... he was still on the field...
It was too late by then. You should have destroyed it before that there is anything named Necrovalley activated.
<< Anonymous
but, I have chained a Field Spell Card's activation, then I have destroyed the monster before Necrovalley became active.
<< Anonymous(Nick)
It's face-up on the field already. (Hence why you can chain a card like Cosmic Cyclone to a Field Spell and banish it.) It doesn't need to resolve to... Exist.
<< Anonymous
So you mean that activation of a field spell is different compared to an activation of a spell/trap on the spell/trap zone.
<< Anonymous(Nick)
yes, because it stays on the field after being activated. Aka it doesn't resolve
I think your problem here is that Supernaturalist doesn't require Necrovalley to be activated. Instead it just requires Necrovalley to be face-up on the field.

If there is a card that can permanently negate a field spell without removing it from the field Supernaturalist would still don't care.
<< Anonymous(Nick)
No, Spells/Traps in the Spell/Trap Zone work the same way. For example, if a targeting effect is chained to the activation of an Equip Spell, you can send that Equip Spell to the Graveyard to activate Red-Eyes Slash Dragon's effect even though it hasn't resolved yet.
<< Anonymous
>It doesn't need to resolve to... Exist.

Except when it does. I love this game.


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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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