
Magical Citadel of Endymion | Decks and Ruling

Magical City of Geffen :D
Nathan Philip Dunn
<< Anonymous(Nathan Philip Dunn)
Only a Ragnarok Online player would understand XD

(Geffen came first before this card btw, and Ragnarok Online is huge in Japan, so it's not surprising if this card is meant to be a reference to Geffen)
<< Anonymous(Nathan Philip Dunn)
Geffen is a city of mages in Ragnarok Online, and the layout of Magical Citadel of Endymion is practically identical to Geffen, down to having the same coloration.
<< Anonymous
Damn. That's why the city in this artwork looked familiar to me.
<< Anonymous
Also, not sure if this was a coincidence or not, but the Mage class' highest form in Ragnarok Online, a Warlock, has clothing style that resembles Endymion.

Probably intended, as some sort of "thanks for the love" reply to what Yugioh did.
<< Anonymous
I think it's intended too, since Endy first debuted long before Warlock in RO.


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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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