The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must 🔥 them, just tell them whats wrong with this event politely, maybe they will listen to us once. Thats all! Bye!
+ Well designed my a ss xDDDD Even a snail with brain 🔥 can come up with better pvp events xDDDD White kniht Thrash, go back to the garbage bin and lick liquid konami dia rrhea.
Triggered White Knight Thrash xDD whats the matter? someone breached you little dream safeplace? lick Konami's juicy bu tt, thats what you like xD I won't be polite with worm like you, you are not polite either just too 🔥 to realize xDD Idiot loser.
Thematic events like this needs to have limited card pool, They limit the playable chars but they let the same meta garbage decks to play in the event? whats the point then? Maybe 2 - 3 prebuild deck fitting for the characters, or just let open X free packs and build a deck from that, like a sealed format, ofc this cards will be gone after the event. There are 10million ways to make it better.
Also the rewards are pure garbo xDD Tomato s hit. XYZ cards for a 5D event! Sooo Thematic! Why they don't make events for the other worlds with interesting rules? Because this speed counter garbage is not good. Duels end 99% time in the 2. or 3. turn, WoooW i can use that 4 speed counter to boost atk! So interesting. The only worse pvp event is the Duel Carnival, i got shivers when i think aboutit
And? xDD whats your point?? thats what i said he is not a troll, only just a pathetic goblin xDD can you read? or interpret the text? Not so hard, but i forgot this is a yugioh site, they can't even read the cards text ingame.
Re tard Duelinks Thrash white knight xDDD Enjoy swallowing konami's 🔥 24/day xddd Do you think i care to even read a pathetic white knight thrash opinion? xd The Event is garbage thrash no matter what you idiots think xD
Okay, time to colect trash now, hand your f!lthy self over here as pat of your daily routine so this site can have a breathe of fresh air again and free from noise and toxic pollution.
I swear, garbage trolls these days... I didn't come back to your for a day, and look at the mess you've done in here. Tsk tsk tsk!
Don't worry buddy i will come back everytime to trigger thrash white knights dogs like you by telling the truth xd "sadly" only 2 days left before this vomit event ends. You will miss me i already now, coz thrash like you only have interatcion like this in their pathetic lifes, but don't worry in the next gargo event i will be back xd