●She has SR/UR cards
●She'll serve as a gateway to see if they'll add anime only characters to the game
●Plus, she's part of Yugi's posse who ACTUALLY dueled multiple times. Sorry Tristan lol
Let's see Bakura, insead of "Yami Bakura", or the Spirit of the Rings! Or maybe even Yugi's Grandpa! Grandpa should even have a skill similar so "Grandpa's Deck" but more of a draw skill for the "heart of the cards" effect!
I mean Tristan and Serenity would be cool, as would Duke, however what cards are their signatures? Still think Grandpa would be a good addition. To unlock him you should have to beat a 40 Kaiba (comeback), Yugi (comeback), Joey (something like effect cards damage for 2000), and Weevil (counter 5 spells/traps (because he threw out Exodia)). Grandpa should also have a skill where he can draw a...
..spellcaster of your choice from your deck once every (insert #) turns....Or a skill that once per duel (after losing 1500 LP, or something) he can use "The Heart of the Cards" and pick a card from the deck to be drawn on the next turn (placed at the top of the deck). Just because Grandpa should have the most realistic skills.